Posts by Global Resources

What Separates A Great Company From All The Others?

What separates a GREAT company from all the others? A positive customer experience.

Q. How is a positive customer experience different from quality?

A. Quality is a word that is exhaustively used in describing the mission of practically every business. Every business strives to provide quality products, quality services, quality talent and quality client service. But the word quality has no real meaning because everyone uses it to differentiate themselves from competitors.

The quality of a product or service is certainly important to the success or failure of a business, but it is the quality of the customer experience that …

People Or Profit

Every ethical vision begins with the instinctive drive to codify our behavior. The individual, daily, embodies corporate norms, and must recognize his or her responsibility for them, even as the corporation takes us and our agenda forward. The synergy institutionalizes our goals and accomplishes what we cannot accomplish alone – that’s still the best reason to incorporate, a system worth globalizing.

I was in my sixth day of seminars in mainland China, when one of my participants, a manager and part-time MBA who I’ll refer to as Bill, raised his hand and asked, “Why is the system like it is?” …

The American Dream Of Small Business

The American Dream means many different things to many different people. For small and medium-size business owners, it has always been about the capability of controlling one’s own destiny. In other words, the accumulation of enough positive net worth in a liquid state to make determinations based on your family and your own best interest.

For all the blood, sweat and tears that an entrepreneur puts into his business, it is only reasonable to assume that the business should begin to pay back the owner for all of the hard work, dedication, loyalty and skill sets. Very few American business …

Artificial Intelligence

Computer scientists in alliance with software engineers have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of being the first man to create Hal (the computer in the movie 2001 Space Odyssey that had developed artificial intelligence i.e. conscious thought). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as a computer which evolved from limited data processing and computer program driven tasks into more than a machine; having acquired a higher level of consciousness such as those of living organisms.

Since the establishment of the motion picture industry there have been countless science fiction movies depicting what the world would be like with Artificial Intelligence. …

Thriving in this Recession

Proactive business owners thrive while reactive owners struggle

Despite the public perception that the economy is in a downturn, many contractors are thriving and turning strong profits.  That’s because these owners spend their time managing “the business of the business” rather than just overseeing individual construction projects.  By doing so, they more easily adapt to fluctuating economic conditions that can wreak havoc on performance, productivity and profits.

Managing the business of the business involves knowing, understanding and acting on a set of critical variables that defines success (profitability) or failure (losing money and eventually closing one’s doors).  By doing so, …

What your accountant forgot to tell you

Too many accountants confuse business owners with the cost of tax compliance for additional entities without understanding the long term legal benefits and protections that are provided to the owner’s business and personal assets.

Quick, what type of entity structure do you use for your business? C-Corporation? S-Corporation? Is it the best one for you? Whose advice did you seek to help make this vital business decision? Do you realize the potential personal risks of running your business?

Perhaps the most important decision you make as a business owner, a decision that should be made only after consultation with a …

Boost your sales revenue

It isn’t always the best product or service that dominates a marketplace…it’s the best sales force.

Ineffective salespeople are easy to spot. They are the ones who discuss the features of their product or service – not the benefit; quantify discounts to their prospects – not the value of their products or services; talk excessively, and improvise on the fly rather than prepare and strategically execute.

The traditional approach to increasing sales force effectiveness has always been to provide salespeople with additional product knowledge, additional closing techniques, then motivate, motivate, motivate . . . and wait/hope for more sales to …

Corporate taxes

Tax Services Director Erin Hollis reviews small business tax planning.

In the complex and ever-changing world of tax planning, one thing is clear: Business owners need help. Tax planning involves more than ensuring we don’t pay more than our fair share or – better yet – the legal minimum. Proper tax planning should involve a comprehensive analysis, involvement by the business owner to tailor the strategies to personal and corporate needs, and a systematic plan to put everything in place.

What types of credits and deductions are generally available for business owners?

  • Domestic production activities deduction for manufacturers.
  • Deductions for

The online business cyber-attack: DEFAMATION

The worst lies are told behind your back. Protect your business from the online cyber-attack.

It is said that the worst lies are told behind your back. That may be true. Until recently, rumors about businesses have generally been oral, fleeting in nature, and (hopefully) not given much credence. Unfortunately, the dynamics of the rumor mill are changing. Just about everything on the Web, including the good, the bad and the outright lies, is now indexed by search engines.

That leads to problems.

In the online world, rumors or outright lies are receiving unprecedented publicity primarily because Congress granted service …

Are you in control?

Unfortunately, strategic planning ranks low on many business owners ‘to do’ list.

There are several issues that virtually all small and medium-size businesses have in common when struggling to achieve their predetermined profit. Although each business is unique in its cost structure, employees, management profile and market, they all must follow the principles of sound business management in order to reach their goals.

Unfortunately, strategic planning ranks low on many business owners to do list. Those same owners tend to react to each circumstance without the advantage of a well thought out plan to benchmark their decisions. They fail to …