"Media Relations" Posts

What Is A Benefit Or ‘B’ Corporation?

Previously, when a new business was formed, there were only two legal entity structures to pursue, either your organization was for profit or it was a nonprofit.  That is no longer the case with the development of the Benefit or ‘B’ Corporation.  In the simplest terms, a Benefit Corporation exists in the nebulous middle.  This allows a corporation to be for profit as well as for the benefit of some worthy social or environmental commitment.

Per ‘The For-Benefit Enterprise’ article by Heerad Sabeti, Harvard Business Review (November 2011):

In the past several decades a steadily growing number …

Handling the media: Business boom or doom

Effective media relations can make the difference.

It is 3:30 in the afternoon and you are trying to finish a project for a cherished, long time customer who is expecting final delivery within the next hour. You are working diligently while your staff is very busy with other projects; each and every one must be completed before the end of the business day.

The tension is high, but could be worse. Not just because of the speed in which the work needs to be done, but also because you have a basketball game to coach that evening, two of your …