Global Resources Reviews: Saved Our Company


The client, a wholesale distributor of dairy products, in business for nearly 100 years was in dire circumstances.  “When we agreed to have Global Resources come to our company to try to fix it, we knew the challenge that you faced.  We are an old family business.  We have not been profitable for a long time and sales were failing.  We lost over $125,000 last year.”


“Our consultant brought it all together for us and showed us what to do to save the company.”

The GR consultant worked with management to show them how to operate at a profit.  “He taught us to read our books and to rely on them to help us run the company.  We had to make tough cuts in our overhead to bring costs down.  He helped us to find the right cuts to make and showed us how to use the breakeven to guide us as to what our sales would need to be.”

“Our past due payables are a problem, but our consultant has helped us to find solutions.” He worked out an extension for a payment plan with the client’s biggest vendor, brought in a private investor for the short-term, and set up applications with three banks for a long term loan.  “He showed the banks our plan for the next two years and explained how we are now operating at a profit.”


“Thanks” to the GR consultant, “my brother and I are working better together.  This had been a major problem in our company and it is really what we hoped you could fix.  He was able to move the two of us to a better relationship.”

“Thank you for showing us the way out.  You’ve done wonders for the company and my family.  I am excited for our future.” Janis, Vice President