Walk In Our Shoes!

Can you connect the face with the shoes?

With winter finally behind us, everyone at Global Resources is able to take their summer shoes out of storage and show off some dazzling footwear.

“The perfect summer accessory is a pedicure,” declared Donna (10.).

A broad array of shoe styles is on display in the office, from quietly conservative to boldly glamorous and everything in between.   Some pairs were only worn for the photo shoot.  Magna (5.) shared that she really couldn’t walk in hers, while other shoes, meant for comfort (F.), show up every day at the workplace (in a variety of colors).

Our resident ‘shoenesta,’ Marie (2.), is known for her fashion forward shoes—she’ll often post a pic of new shoes on Facebook to share with all her friends.  When she travels, the perfect souvenir is a great pair of heels.  The pair that she wore to be photographed for this article came from the motor city, Detroit.

Answers:  1, G (and 7, E); 2, C; 3, A; 4, J; 5, D; 6, B; 8, I; 9, H; 10, F.